Black lives celebrated – A remarkable community
The Cascades History & Culture Trail celebrates the remarkable African American neighborhoods, businesses, and people surrounding this Tallahassee trail and Florida A&M University. CG was selected to bring these seldom-told stories to life in a series of 18 interpretive panels.
Local historian Althemese Barnes interviewed community members whose anecdotes, research, and photos are prominently featured. With discussions of family life, churches, education, Black-owned businesses, and community activists, the panels along the trail paint a picture of what life was like in mid-century Tallahassee—and the community that thrived despite racial, economic and social injustices.
Stakeholder involvement was key to this joyous project. Our client told the Tallahassee Democrat that “I am impressed with the care the agency and its consultants have given to allow local citizens to guide the project.”
The trail will also feature public art installations, a playground and skatable art. Construction of the stations will begin in the fall of 2022.
Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency
Carol Perloff